What Does a Data Architect Do?

This article aims to clarify what we believe the key aspects of being a Data Architect are, based on our experience, shedding light on the various skills and tasks that data architects undertake to enable effective data utilisation and decision-making.

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Owain Jones N Owain Jones N

What are the Big Challenges in Data Migration?

Whenever you work with data, you will invariably want to move it somewhere, be it to a different location, application or even just a different format. With this process there can be a variety of challenges and so in this article, we will walk through four of the main challenges when dealing with data migration.

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Why no-one’s using your data management tool

Have you taken the time to carefully select a data management tool for your staff and organisation to use, but are finding that hardly anyone uses it and that the uptake is fairly low? This article aims to explore why this might be happening in order to help us understand what can then be done about it.

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7 Key Benefits of Data Governance

If you work with data, you will surely have a view on data governance and its importance to an organisation’s success. A well-crafted data governance strategy is vital in today’s fast-moving and competitive market. In an earlier article, we explored what data governance is and why it is important. Now, let’s look at some of the key benefits of data governance.

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Nisa Chitakasem N Nisa Chitakasem N

4 steps to eliminating data silos

Does your organisation suffer from data silos? Have you noticed the impact this is having on your organisation and are you keen to stop this? If so, hopefully these tips will help to give you some ideas and options on how to break down data silos and to get your organisation working more effectively.

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