How to Encourage Better Data Sharing

Data sharing is incredibly important for all organisations, yet continues to be a real challenge for many. According to the Gartner’s report: Data Sharing Is a Business Necessity to Accelerate Digital Business, it predicts that “by 2023 organizations that promote data sharing will outperform their peers on most business value metrics.”

This gives a good indication of just how important data sharing is and so here, let’s take a look at some ways we can encourage better data sharing now:

1. Standardise data management

When different datasets sit across multiple platforms and teams it can be challenging to get the most out of this data or for people to share it. This is especially so if the data is in various formats, has been collected in different ways and if there is no standardisation across any of the datasets.

Standardise the data collection process and help to ensure that there is a greater ability to find, understand, use and interpret the data easily. If this is done well, teams will be encouraged to share and distribute their data more widely as well as reap the benefits of being able to access it themselves whenever they want to.

2. Encourage greater team interaction and collaboration

Offer your teams tools that will help them to interact and collaborate more easily together. Give them access to all the data via a centralised data management system. Let them use, share and evaluate this data easily and give them more opportunities to share efforts and learnings.

3. Build trust between teams and across your organisation

A common barrier to data sharing is fear. Fear that data could fall into the wrong hands, be misused or somehow result in key stakeholders being liable.

Risks around data security often prevent people from wanting to or being able to share it and so if you’re able to reduce the risk and offer better data security, this will certainly encourage greater data sharing.

Build trust between teams and across your organisation by securing your data, making sure there are clear audit trails and also by offering complete transparency over all of the organisation’s data.

So those are our 3 top ways to promote better data sharing across an organisation. If you have any experience of ways that have encouraged greater data sharing across your team or organisation, we would love to hear about it.

If you’re currently experiencing data sharing challenges or any other data challenges and feel you could do with some help, we’d be delighted to talk to you about your situation. Get in touch now and let’s see how we can find a solution together.




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