Evidence for the National Data Strategy
Register Dynamics made a submission to the National Data Strategy open call for evidence, in which we discuss the difficulties with data that Government faces which could be fixed with a better approach to data infrastructure.
Usable data management for everyone
In the early 1980s the spreadsheet transformed the financial and accounting industry. Over the last few years, business has once again begun to change. How are disruptive companies such as Uber and Airbnb reaping the rewards of putting cloud-based data management at the fingertips of their own teams?
Legal trust + technical trust = data trusts
Technical trust and legal trust are both insufficient by themselves to ensure protection of valuable data. Instead we need a vehicle that combines the two to allow data use to be auditable and acceptable practice to be enforcable. In this post we discuss this concept of a data trust, explore what benefits they could bring and how they could be achieved.