Why your database limits your data quality

Maximising quality is a major tenet to most organisational strategies for data. We all want our business processes to be relying on accurate, timely data, and for that data to be re-used for maximum effect in decision-making.

However, fully accurate data is rare. Every dataset has quality issues that limits the ways it can be used or reused. Understanding why quality issues occur and how to avoid them is key to making the best use of data.

There is a common maxim that “if you put garbage in, you get garbage out”. However, even when you’re putting accurate inputs into your dataset, there are still systemic issues that mean use and reuse isn’t optimal. In this post, we’ll look how database designs laid out in the 1960s are still causing data quality problems today.

Real world entities take on multiple roles

Classifying the types of data in your system often leads to one of two problems. The first is a proliferation of minor variations – for example, a CRM system may evolve to include Supplier, Customer, BothSupplierAndCustomer, and PreferredSupplier models. The second is a proliferation of objects that invisibly exist in multiple tables – for example, a company you both buy from and sell to might exist in both Supplier and Customer tables, with their contact details potentially getting updated in one and not the other, leading to confusing problems.

A common solution with its own problems is to use flags and type fields to differentiate objects within a type. Invariably this leads to a bunch of optional fields relevant only to some combinations of flags complicating the structure of what usually becomes a very wide table.

All of these complicate the schema, complicate the systems that process the data, and lead to different kinds of errors. We will look at a common way of managing this kind of schema complexity.

Database type systems are too rigid

The root of the problem is that most tools force you to assign everything in the system to a single type. The ubiquitous SQL database which underpins the vast majority of tools, for instance, makes you choose one table to insert a record into and each table has a fixed list of columns.

For instance, if you both sell to and buy from the same third party, they usually end up with records in both the Supplier and Customer tables, and they’re usually not connected in any way other than that they have the same name (and more often than you’d like, they don’t even have that, because one is “ACME Ltd” and the other is “Acme Limited”).

This means your system doesn’t understand that the two records represent the same thing, and you end up with all sorts of irritating consequences.

The fact is, real-world objects are often more complicated than simple databases really understand, and trying to fit those complications into the rigid type system of SQL is much like fitting a round peg into a square hole.

Programming languages have more expressive type systems

Programming languages tend to have much richer type systems – letting you express a hierarchy of types, such as “a Carpenter is a StaffMember with carpentry skills; a Plumberis a StaffMember with plumbing skills; a StaffMember is a Person with an employee number and a tax reference; a Customer is a Person with a credit balance…”.

Operations defined in terms of any Person (eg, sending them an email) can be applied to a Carpenter, a Plumber or even a Customer, because they are all a kind of Person and so all have (for example) the “email address” field defined by being a Person.

There’s no duplication: a Carpenter automatically gets an email address field in the database because it’s a kind of Person, so nobody needs to tell the system that Carpenter and Plumber both have email addresses. There are no context-specific “optional” fields: there’s no need for a blank carpentry skills field in a Plumber’s record, nor vice versa. If the language supports multiple inheritance you can even have a CarpenterAndPlumber that is defined as a Carpenter and a Plumber, having a single email address (as it’s a kind of Person) and also having the carpentry and plumbing skills data.

The SQL type system that most databases copy was designed in the 1960s, when computers were just starting to take over data processing from paper forms and punched cards. The tasks we expected of our business systems were much simpler then, and while the world of programming languages has developed to keep up with the demands of modern application developers, databases have (for various reasons) failed to evolve.

Interim solutions

Given that many of the database products we use are stuck with over-simple type systems, how can we manage? Are we doomed to the kinds of fragile hacks discussed above?

To be blunt, sadly, yes we are. But with care and self-discipline, the downsides of these approaches can, at least, be mitigated somewhat.

It’s possible to escape a simplistic type system by storing data in some kind of “blob column”; many databases these days even offer support for extracting fields from a blob if it’s encoded in a format such as JSON, and may even allow you to index such extracted fields.

This approach tends to come at an efficiency cost and usually means that some of the database features that could be applied to normal fields aren’t usable for data inside blobs, but most disappointingly, it tends to come at the cost of losing any kind of type system for the blobbed data; the application has to deal with the possibility of malformed data inside the blobs, missing fields, and so on. Data integrity becomes an application problem.

The main alternatives that retain some level of data integrity support are more similar than they at first seem: having very wide tables with lots of “optional” columns (for instance, having a table of Contacts with optional columns that are used depending on whether that contact is a customer, supplier, employee, or some combination of the above), and having loads of little tables with a common key (for instance, having tables for Contact, Customer, Supplier,Employee, etc and using the same primary key value across them when the same logical object occupies multiple roles).

What they have in common is that some of the data integrity problem moves into the application – in the wide-table case, the application is responsible for knowing which combinations of optional columns are relevant in different cases. If a contact is a supplier then a whole bunch of columns that have to be marked as optional in the database (so that contacts who aren’t suppliers don’t need to provide them) become required for that particular record. In the loads-of-little-tables case, the application has to find a safe way to allocate new primary key values that are unique across multiple tables.

Thankfully, in the latter case, any type hierarchy rules (eg, any supplier/customer/employee is always a contact, so must have a contact record) can be represented using foreign key constraints, which often helps with the management of uniqueness, but the downside is having to check several tables to find all the information about an object – or to delete an object.

Representing data requires careful thought

There aren’t really technical solutions you can just drop in to solve this problem for you; they will all require careful thought to plan how you represent your complicated real-world data in the simplified world of the database, and ongoing discipline to make sure that structure doesn’t evolve into a tangled mess.

Thankfully, we at Register Dynamics have plenty of experience we can share with you – so get in touch today and let us help!




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